We had a ton of fun traveling to Missouri to help Jake Bruton of Aarow Building and architect Steve Baczek with their Swofford Project – a high-performance home featuring some serious building science. The video series launched by Matt Risinger’s Build Show Network is an in-depth look at how an architect and builder work together to build a high-performing, healthy home that also looks good.
A few episode highlights :
- The Havelock Wool Blown-In install with a great conversation between Steve and Jake as to why they chose our product and the installation experience.
- Air Barrier and Drywall which shows how to achieve airtightness continuity. Tons of good and easy to understand stuff in here.
- Mechanicals in a combustion-free home – the rationale behind water heater, HVAC and energy recovery ventilator choices.
- The final episode is a great exchange between Jake and Steve which details how to translate building and design philosophy into an actual home.
What we particularly like is that this series captures that unique dynamic between builder and architect that is so crucial to a properly executed home build. For anyone contemplating a new home, renovation or retrofit this series will provide plenty of inspiration and building tips.

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