Admittedly, our recent foray into the world of social self-promotion has been much more rewarding than expected. No one likes a pitch anymore than someone who talks their own book and attempts to learn nothing from those around them. Least of all us.
That in mind, it has been great to see and even hear of real interest in our efforts from total strangers that we would not have reached were it not for Messrs. Brin and Page, Reid Hoffman, Jack Dorsey, Messrs. Systrom and Krieger, and those that ‘follow’.
There is promise yet for our unwitting consumer base, who, on the surface, continually succumb to large marketing budgets and a lobby whose sole purpose is to mask inherent product weakness while driving consumer demand.
The voice of reason is getting louder, but how do we effect positive change?
Until recently companies have existed to earn a return, first, and meet consumer demand second. A return is necessary to keep the lights on, but impact is no longer just a buzz word in the investment community, and demand is shifting. Clearly, we cannot change the nonsensical marketing spend or the wasteful billion dollar lobbying game, but we can undoubtedly alter consumer demand. Take a look at BEAUTYCOUNTER. They are!
A willingness to learn must precede the education and then the willingness to act. Those who take a quick look will find that the social-media leaders have made it easier to avoid misinformed, quixotic decisions. Those of you who dedicate more than a few seconds may not like what you find at first; however, you run only the risk of upsetting the status quo while changing consumer demand, at best, and making better, more intelligent decisions at worst.
Thanks social media.
And thanks to Elon Musk for the headline. It is a comment we will not soon forget.
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